My aim is to provide a complete service that takes you from initial design through to being ready to start building.
This can include:
Site Survey
Design Options
To compare (for example):
– External styles.
– Internal layouts.
– Designs that require little or no structural changes (cheaper to build) vs. removing load-bearing walls or the corner of the house (more expensive to build).

House Plans / Technical Drawings for…
– Planning Permission Application or Certificate of Lawful Development (if required).
– Building Control Application.
– Copies of the plans to pass to your builder.

Dealing with the Local Authority…
– Submitting your application.
– Liaising with the Local Authority on technical issues to get your project approved.
Additional Documentation…
– Such as a Design & Access Statement (if required).
– Health & Safety File required under Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015.
Liaising with Other Professionals…
– Such as a Structural Engineer (if required).
3D Visualisation
– This is a computer-generated image showing your final build. The design options above are an example of this.